LGBTQI training

The background
Being yourself should be a given for everyone!
This belief is as fundamental to us at TicTac Learn, as it is to our clients at RFSL (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex rights).
Unfortunately, discrimination against LGBTQI individuals remains common, particularly in the workplace. To combat this, RFSL aimed to develop a comprehensive LGBTQI training program for employees and managers across various workplaces in Sweden.
The result is a set of four training modules that form a holistic program, enabling workplaces to achieve LGBTQI certification.
The challenge
How do you create a training solution that fits diverse workplaces? The answer was to establish a foundational web-based training program, complemented by on-site training and workshops.
This approach allows employees to complete the web modules at their own pace and then participate in joint activities. The certification process can also be entirely digital, catering to different needs and preferences.
To address the varied needs of different target groups – whether healthcare providers, teachers, corporate employees or public officials – the training is comprehensive. It covers topics such as the history of the LGBTQI movement, legal rights and protections, mental and physical health issues, and the impact of intersectionality on LGBTQI individuals.

The solution
The four modules, which were developed using Articulate Storyline, provide thorough and engaging education on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Each module includes case studies, reflection prompts and discussion questions to actively engage participants.

The impact
By focusing on high interactivity and incorporating filmed feedback, short informational videos and ample reflection opportunities, the training has successfully increased awareness of legal rights and fostered empathy and understanding of how discrimination affects individuals both inside and outside the workplace.
To date, 700 companies, organizations and public sector entities have chosen to become certified, enhancing their commitment to inclusivity and equality.

When we were developing our first online course on LGBTQI issues, we chose TicTac because their process is based on collaborative cooperation, allowing us as the client to have significant influence in all stages of development. We were truly satisfied with our collaboration.
To date, we have developed three more online courses through TicTac, and each time the results have exceeded our expectations.
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