Training & Workshops
Tutors at work
Certified Articulate 360 training – open enrolment
Certified Articulate 360 training – for your team
Certified Articulate 360 training – eLearning
Articulate Rise 360 training – for your team
Articulate Rise 360 training – eLearning
Articulate Storyline 360 – Getting started training
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Manage your LMS
It’s never “plug-and-play” when big systems are involved. Yes, they may be plugged in easily and they may play very well – but to orchestrate with success, you need a conductor.
As you are the maestro of your platform, we want you to feel at ease, fully aware of the possibilities of the system and how to make it deliver what you need. After setting up your LMS for you, we offer onboarding training. We can also customize further training and workshops. But why not start by looking at what we have off the shelf?
Develop your creation skills
Being a learning organization means saying yes to continuous training. Our authoring tools offer much more than initially meets the eye. Sometimes, all you need is some inspiration – you’ll find plenty of that on our Inspiration page. But for the long run, you may want a hands-on guide to open up the possibilities of your authoring tool.
Welcome to our sessions!
Work on the foundation
Do you want to get a bird’s-eye view of your organization? Pave the way for success by looking at strategies for learning and their impact. A job task analysis will redefine the way you work with skills mapping and instructional design. Or choose our synergy workshop specifically geared to the learning organization.