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At the heart of Generation Pep’s mission lies a powerful commitment to empowering young people to embrace active and healthy lifestyles. Recognized as a pioneering non-profit organization, Generation Pep has always been at the forefront of educational innovation, aiming to turn the tide on the health challenges facing today’s youth.

The challenge

Bridging the gap between complex scientific data and the day-to-day realities of educators and sports coaches presented a significant hurdle. The overarching goal was clear: to arm these influential figures with not just knowledge, but the latest, evidence-supported insights and practical tools necessary to champion the health of the young.

The solution

Rising to the occasion, a state-of-the-art digital training platform was birthed, synergizing the advanced capabilities of our proprietary GO+ platform with the rich, interactive content of nine meticulously crafted chapters in Articulate 360 Storyline. This innovative solution melded the art of storytelling with the rigors of scientific evidence, bringing to life a vibrant tapestry of photos, videos, and custom illustrations. Aimed at captivating participants, the training was enveloped in a friendly, motivating language, all underpinned by a unifying graphic design scheme. The journey through the training was navigated via the compelling narratives of two children, seamlessly integrating real-life scenarios with authoritative information, including WHO guidelines on nutrition and physical activity.

The impact

The collaboration between our team and Generation Pep has heralded a new era in health education, significantly bolstering Generation Pep’s crusade for healthier lifestyles among the youth. Since its launch in February 2023 on Generation Pep’s website through the GO+ platform, the training has emerged as an indispensable tool for educators. This initiative not only disseminates vital health and lifestyle knowledge but also galvanizes those entrusted with the upbringing of children and young people, empowering them to foster tangible, positive shifts in daily behaviors. Our involvement under the TicTac Heart partnership underscores a deep-seated dedication to social responsibility and the advancement of causes that enrich the lives of the upcoming generations. Together, we are not just teaching; we are inspiring a legacy of health that will resonate for generations to come. This digital training initiative stands as a testament to the transformative power of education, promising a brighter, healthier future for our youth. It invites all educators, coaches and mentors to join this groundbreaking journey, exploring the endless possibilities of shaping a generation that thrives on well-being, vitality and joy.
Generation Pep wants all children and young people in Sweden to have the opportunity and desire to live active and healthy lives.
Carolina Klüft, CEO
carolina klüft
Find more details on Generation Pep's website (Swedish)

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