Verified by experts
We worked together with Foyen law firm to ensure the course meets our high standards for accuracy, ease of comprehension and completeness. In the words of Anna Larsson, Associate at Foyen law firm:
'Tictac’s AI course can be your trusty guide on the exciting journey of artificial intelligence. It breaks down the legal and technical jargon, gives you a sneak peek into what’s coming, and helps you understand how the EU AI Act impacts you – whether you're an entrepreneur, developer or simply need a basic understanding of how to navigate this new AI-driven world.'
Tailored for every role
Learn about transparency, how to make best use of AI tools and how to spot AI in the work of others.
On a more advanced level, targeted advice and best practice recommendations are given in separate modules directed to developers, users and managers.
The individual modules for the different roles are between 70–125 minutes.
The contents include:
- Where is the world today when it comes to AI?
- Risk categories in the EU AI Act and how to navigate understanding them
- Case studies for different sectors: practical examples of how to apply the law
- Content creation and transparency
- Best practices and recommendations for different AI use
- Requirements for high-risk systems
- Applying the risk matrix for your AI systems
- Conformity assessment procedures
- Templates for transparency statements
- How to stay updated

Check out the demo and feel free to contact us for purchase details.